Discussion with Christian Missionary | Seventh Day Adventist Reform

On Thursday 03.11.2016, we arranged a Debate Agreement with Brother Rajah (Seventh Day Adventist Reform).

Brother Raja is ministering to Muslims around Colombo regarding Islām and Christianity using many tactics.

Brother Shan and Brother Raja has met two times before and discussed about the so called Crucifixion of Jesus Christ عليه السلام.

Even though, brother Shan doesn’t believe that Bible is 100% word of God he showed that there are good reasons to believe that Jesus Christ عليه السلام was not crucified and not killed according to some Biblical narrations. He accepts that there are verses that implies Jesus Christ عليه السلام was crucified.

However, these are human beliefs that were inserted to the Bible according to Brother Shan’s view. Since brother Shan discussed this matter two times before with Brother Raja, He wanted to discuss “Whether Bible is 100% word of God and whether it reached us in reliable way?!” Thus, Brother Shan invited Brother Raja to discuss this new topic.

Brother Shan said that it is very reasonable to discuss this topic as all the beliefs are built based on the Bible. However brother Raja rejected the new topic, saying “Crucifixion” topic is not over. Brother Shan said that it was discussed already and it is not his duty to convince others. However, brother Raja rejected the new topic of “Whether Bible is 100% word of God and whether it reached us in reliable way?!” in an academic manner.

Brother Rajah is reluctant to discuss the topic of “Whether Bible is 100% word of God and whether it reached us in reliable way?!”, as if the discussion is done; there will be no space/need to discuss about other things in Christianity. If the scriptures are proved that it’s not 100% word of God, the entire Christianity will be doubtful paving him to exit from Christianity.

This event was held at FRCS in Colombo.

We will hope for the best. May Allāh ﷻ open his heart towards Islām.

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